Customer videos are meant to be watched. Shipped, tossed around, scuffed up. Don’t let them sit in a dusty virtual cabinet. (Looking at you, Google Drive…)
The point-of-sale (in B2B, often signing the proposal) is a perfect place to include social proof as validation. Think of it as “Sign me, you’re doing the right thing.”
Check out how PandaDoc did just that.
I hate switching tabs. It’s distracting. To minimize link overload, PandaDoc put a customer story front and center in their proposal (sent via PandaDoc, obviously) under the headline "The PandaDoc Impact".
The video featured Jonathan Gerhard from Verified First. (And it’s 👏, but a smidge long at 2:41.)
The page links to the full customer testimonial and includes a few quick facts on the customer - which competitor they switched from 😈 and which CRM they use.
Presumably, these criteria are used to select a “like customer” to the signee, though this wasn’t the case for us.
The B2B world is behind. The world is a magical place full of technology and innovation… and here we are, somehow living in the world of 2000-word case study PDFs.
Instead, PandaDoc embedded a customer testimonial video into their proposal. They used this bottom of funnel tactic to boost social proof and validate a prospect's purchase decision by showing them:
Nailed it!
Your turn to validate your almost-customer’s buying decision!